Paws Project

Project Info:

First video game developed by Euler Labs.

Paws Project is a 2D Top Down adventure video game with RPG elements. The protagonist is a dog who in his dreams protects his owner from his inner demons.

The game is inspired by the cosmovision of Nahua beliefs about space and time, structuring a universe in regions determined by living forces.

"They say that to reach the last region, the help of a friend who loved us unconditionally in life is enough; his sense of smell, always ready, is able to guide us through the safest paths, and his sight, never tired, will warn of any danger hidden in the shadows. Treat him well in this world or he will turn his back on you in the next."

Project Details:

  • Role:Creator, Writer, Game Programmer, Blockchain Programmer.
  • Industry:Video Games & Blockchain
  • Technologies:JavaScript - Phaser, Web3.js, HTML/CSS/Sass, Unity Engine.
  • Date:Q3 2021
  • Status:Under development